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martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

What factors influence our perception?

What internal factors influence our perception?
Internal factors mean or relate to the state of the individual.Habits are difficult to get away with , therefore individuals perceive objects, situations, and conditions differently acoding to their habits . An example is like , theres a retired soldier that throws to the ground when he hears like a car tyre. This example is perfect like of how hapits capture your perception. Motivation and interest , like hunger and thurst . Learning has a great part in the influence in our perception . Like a business manager has the obligation to teach his employees so they have more knowledge for there effective performance and behavior .

What external factors influence our perception?
External factors means that it concerns the environment and influences eternal to the individual . Intensity of the stimulus is implied that , when the more intense of the stimulus of audio or visual is , the most likely that they will perceive . Strong odor , or strong sounds will be more likely to catch attention the slow or low type of things . Size matters because it influences attention and recognition in a more effective manner .  Repetition of stimuli like a advertisement commercial in the television repeats the same brand over and over again , thats a form of repetition that gets your attention . Motion can be another influence because when someone is moving something , another one that is just still , people's stimuli of perceiving attention will go to the one moving the thing .

Things I like
-I like cellphones , because i can communicate with my friends faster
-I like apple , because it got me an addiction with Mac computers
-I like to win something , because i like the feel of being in the top
-i like psychology class , because we learn how to communicate with people better
-i like ice cream , because i feel sweet and cold at the same time , delicious

Things i don't like
-i dislike when people curse, because thats sounds like nasty and unrespectful
-i dislike when people are yelling , because that feels annoying to me and to other ears
-i dislike the fact of being suspended, because im wasting my own time doing anything
-i dislike exams , because if you don't make a perfect answer they take you points
-i dislike school sometimes , because we have to keep up rules that doesn't make sense

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

" Perception : is reality "

Perception is reality in a way because we are living today in society were interacting and relating with others is a sign of survival for success in this world. The perception of what we think might the other people think about us can affect us because its like a mirror and you see those things in you even do its not real. If the that person lived in an environment of love and support his perception of the world will be of success and open-minded because he would had past experiences in his head perceived very well. The person that grows up in a environment of sadness, screaming and dysfunctional , will have his perception of the world like that and might have mental problems. That’s because we might think were like suffering or something but in reality were not so that’s perception .Just as one object may give rise to multiple percepts , there’s an object that may fail to give rise to the perception . If the percept doesn’t have a meaning in the persons experience , he will likely not perceive it . In conclusion perception is reality ? That’s for you to answer.

Why is psychology important?

Psychology is important because it concerns the study of behavior and mental processes. Every thing we perform is related to psychology in a way.  By studying psychology we can identify how the mind and body of a person functions. Psychology changes the way of thinking of a person it can help him avoiding things that cause him stress, to manage time wisely , or to perceive things.