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miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Memory is when we can recall,retain , and store information and experiences . In more understandable words memory is the ability to travel back in time in your mind that develops during your lifetime. 

In the class of IB psychology we were given four videos of How is your memory . We were suposed to pay attention , by the way i didn't . So i had to watch them again , by the way more work . This doesn’t matter the most important thing is the information i learned. 

First I learned keywords that are key if learning memory like i am doing right now. First I learned what dementia meant , it means when you start to loose you're memory at a old age , and it never stops till you die . I learned a type of amnesia , it means when you loose part or total of your memory . I learned a new thing that I didn’t knew that there pills that manipulat your memory.

Second these three keys had to do with three persons , so for reall this videos are amazing because its amazing of how they could interview people with this memory distortions and conditions.

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